Sophos Product Lifecycle Update September 2020

What’s New
Sophos Support Portal
We’re excited to announce that we have launched the new Sophos Support Portal, which makes it much easier for you to track and manage all your support cases. You can now visit to access and create support cases.
Going Soon
Product | Details |
Endpoint Protection, Server Protection and Enterprise Console products (standalone or managed on premises) | The EOL will be July 20th 2023 – the migration path will be Intercept X Advanced or Intercept X Advanced for Server. |
Sophos Mobile as a Service | The EOL is September 30th 2021 – the migration path will be Sophos Mobile managed in Sophos Central.
Sophos Mobile (managed on premises) |
The EOL will be July 20th 2023 – the migration path will be Sophos mobile managed in Sophos Central. |
SafeGuard Enterprise | The EOL will be July 20th 2023 – the migration path will be Sophos Central Device Encryption. |
Cyberoam Network Security Appliances | The EOL will be March 31st 2022 – the migration path will be XG Firewall.
Cyberoam Central Console (CCC) | The EOL will be March 31st 2022 – the migration path will be Firewall Management in Sophos Central. |
Cyberoam Central Management Console (CCMS) | The EOL will be December 31st 2020 – the migration path will be Firewall Management in Sophos Central.
Cyberoam iView NR | The EOL will be December 31st 2020 – the migration path will be Central Firewall Reporting. |
Cloud Firewall Manager | The EOL will be December 31st 2020 – the migration path will be Firewall Management in Sophos Central. |
iView | The EOL will be December 31st 2020 – the migration path will be Central Firewall Reporting. |
Legacy SATC Client | The EOL will be December 31st 2020 – the migration path will be XG Firewall and Intercept X For Server. |
PureMessage for Exchange | The EOL will be June 30th 2023 – there is no migration path. |
PureMessage for Unix | The EOL will be June 30th 2023 – the migration path is Sophos Email. |
Sophos Email Appliance | The EOL will be June 30th 2023 – the migration path is Sophos Email. |
Essential info
Abbreviation index:
- EOS = End of Sale
- EOL = End of Life