Cybersecurity against triple threat

The solution that fights malware, ransomware, phising and spear-phising. By including 3 pieces of software (SpamTitan Plus, WebTitan and ArcTitan), TitanSecure provides companies with a triple security system that reinforces their infrastructure, regardless of the business segment.

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Benefits of TitanSecure:

  • Optimized M365 protection: reinforcement of the Office365 email security system;
  • Link blocking: analysis and rewriting of URLs to identify malicious websites;
  • Secure environment: email data always available, replicated and secure;
  • Sandboxing: automation and behavioral analysis to empower teams;
  • Corporate compliance: guaranteed compliance with GDPR, SEC, FCA and SAR;
  • eDNS: corporate devices and their management using eDNS;
  • Improved API layer: full download of corporate data via API;
  • OTG agents: available for Windows 11, MacOS and Chromebook systems;
  • Faster search: email search speed is extremely fast.