Cyber attack protection service managed 24/7 by Sophos experts

Sophos Managed Detection and Response is a fully managed service delivered by experts who detect and respond to cyberattacks targeting your computers, servers, networks, cloud workloads, email accounts, and more.

Sophos MDR is customizable with different service levels and threat response options. Let the Sophos MDR operations team run a real-time incident response, work with you to manage cyber threats, or notify your internal security operations team whenever threats are detected.

This team quickly discovers the key issues of an attack (who, what, and how), responding to the threat within minutes. This entire process is done incrementally, with an average incident resolution time of 38 minutes*.

Detectar mais ameaças do que os produtos de segurança conseguem identificar.

Detect more threats than security products can identify.

The tools connected to Sophos MDR automatically block 99.98% of threats, which allows these analysts to focus on hunting down the most sophisticated attackers that can only be detected and stopped by highly trained professionals.

Investigate and take action on your behalf to prevent threats from disrupting your business.

Sophos' team of analysts detect, investigate, and respond to threats within minutes, whether you need a complete real-time incident response or help making accurate decisions.

Identify the root cause of threats to prevent future incidents.

Toma medidas pró-activas e fornece recomendações que reduzem os riscos para o seu negócio. Menos incidentes significa menos perturbações para as suas equipas de TI e segurança, os seus funcionários e os seus clientes.

Ensure results-focused security™

All threat investigation and response results in actionable data, which is then used in automation to improve configurations and detection capabilities. Sophos MDR can help mitigate enterprise risk to help meet cyber insurance requirements and improve ROI by leveraging existing investments in cybersecurity technology.

Sophos MDR Key Capabilities

24/7 Monitoring and Threat Response

Detects and responds to threats before they can compromise your data or cause downtime. Supported by six global security operations centers (SOCs), Sophos MDR provides around-the-clock coverage.

Third part integration

Sophos MDR can integrate telemetry from third-party endpoint, firewall identification, email, and other security technologies as part of Sophos ACE.

Full-Scale Incident Response

When it identifies an active threat, the Sophos MDR operations team can execute an extensive set of response actions on your behalf to disrupt, contain and completely eliminate the adversary from a distance.

Weekly and Monthly Reports

Through Sophos Central you can get alerts, reports and real-time management. Weekly and monthly reports provide information about security investigations, cyber threats, and your security posture.

Respond to cyber-attacks in a timely manner.

*AV-Test 2021 average score; Sophos Managed Threat Response current performance metrics

In addition to integrating with Sophos solutions, the Sophos MDR service is also compatible with a growing list of security telemetry vendors, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Check Point, CrowdStrike, Darktrace, Fortinet, Google, Microsoft, Okta, Palo Alto Networks, Rapid7, and many others.

Telemetry is automatically consolidated, correlated, and prioritized with Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem (ACE) and Sophos X-Ops threat intelligence unit insights.